Passionate storytellers here to help you grow and make an impact.

Meet Carrolee

For over 15 years I've been on this wild ride of helping businesses find their voice and shout it from the digital rooftops. I've worked with everyone from Fortune 500 giants to Ivy League universities, and now I'm all about giving small and medium-sized businesses the same star treatment.

Have you been trying to bend social media to your will as a B2B service-based business? Well, what if I tell you there is more to content marketing than posting pretty Canva designs online? That's why I cooked up this little thing I like to call the "anti-social content strategy." It's all about de-centering social media, and connecting what you’re doing on those platforms with a ton of other channels - so your content can grow legs, and actually get you the traction you’re seeking.

Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. I used to be a bit of a Jill-of-all-trades. Sales, project management, communications - you name it, I've probably done it. But turns out, all that job-hopping wasn't for nothing. It gave me this superpower to see the unique value in every business I work with.

These days, I’m passionate about helping businesses find that special sauce that makes them, well, them. Then we turn that into content that doesn't just inspire, but transforms. Because let's face it, in this digital age, if you're not standing out, you're just standing still.

So, ready to create some unforgettable campaigns that'll have your audience doing double-takes? Let's chat! I promise you’ll leave our time together excited about getting Anti-social in your marketing.

Let’s get to work,


Speaking / Workshop Facilitation
Areas of Focus

Personal Branding

At the core of a great professional speaker is their ability to tell a good story. A story good enough to not only be aspirational, but motivational. One that moves audiences to action. As a poet, licensed preacher, and experienced content marketer, Carrolee is the consummate storyteller. Her flagship talk is centered around being your authentic Y.O.U. through personal branding.

Your personal brand is both the story you tell yourself and the story you tell others. It encompasses so much more than we are made to believe (logo, color scheme, etc.). Take it from a professional graphic designer, one’s personal brand goes far beyond any aesthetic. It is deep work, one that sometimes requires a guide.

Talk topics include:
Personal Branding: From Confusion to Confidence
Personal Branding 101: How To Stand Out
Leverage Personal Branding for Corporate Success

Anti-Social Content Marketing

As a trainer and workshop facilitator, Carrolee’s superpower is her ability to take seemingly complex concepts and break them down into bite-sized, easily digestible information. Her training is never filled with fluff, and often leaves audiences with pages full of nuggets and actionable advice. Through her Anti-social Content framework, she encourages B2B professionals to go beyond chasing likes on social media, and instead build true brand trust on and offline.

Workshop topics include:
Anti-Social Content Marketing Strategies for Success
G.R.O.W with Content (flagship)
Podcasting 101: How to use Podcast Appearances to Grow Your Service-based Business

Consulting Services

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