We help agency owners and consultants land more corporate clients using the power of podcasts.

Super charge and sustain your agency or consultancy growth with content using podcasting as your main mailing list builder - as part of our Anti-Social Content Marketing method.

We've worked with some amazing teams...

…and we can help you too

Are you tired of pouring endless hours into social media with little to show for it?

We get it. 

I was an agency owner for several years. There were so many mixed messages about how to create awareness and increase demand - and most of them centered around creating endless content for social media. 

One day I decided to analyze our numbers. What marketing channel(s) was the most successful? I realized that our agency made most of its revenue through referrals, my speaking engagements (live events), and podcasting.  

I had a feeling, but seeing the numbers on paper made it clear to me. I needed to shift my focus.

So, I stopped fussing over canva templates for social media and worked with my team to craft pitches for more podcasts, local press, and speaking engagements in order to build our list. 

It worked. 

We went from a struggling agency to a multi-six figure agency in just under a year. 

Now as a consultant, I want to help as many consultants and marketing agency owners as I can to step from behind their proverbial desks and step from behind the shadows into true business ownership. Becoming the face of your brand.

I know it’s scary, but it is really one of the easiest ways to grow your business.

You are your best salesperson. You are going to be the difference between doing ok (or just good) to scaling your business to new heights.

Content creation for content creation’s sake

You're stuck in "good enough" mode, with a to-do list longer than your arm. That awesome podcast episode you're about to record? It'll probably end up as just another replay link.

Wave Goodbye to…

An over emphasis on vanity metrics (social media)

Obsessing over follow count. You’re running out of ideas of content to post, and you’re not using any other channel (at least, not intentionally) to promote the business. You focus almost entirely on social media for content marketing solutions.

Snooze-worthy Content with no results.

You’re not really sure how to make a B2B brand sound like an actual human. So, the content is dry, and even you are bored by the pieces you’ve been sharing to prospects, clients and partners.

Omni-channel content marketing solutions

You’re incorporating other channels, like email marketing, SEO, podcasting, live events, etc. to generate new leads. You’re using and reusing content created from those efforts, and making the most out of your (now massive) content library.

Say Hello to…

Involving your team of experts

No more marketing in a silo. Your experts will be active participants in the content creation process - this could be the technician, the customer success manager, or even the human resources manager. Everyone is all hands on deck when it comes to creating content that truly drives impacts. The best part is…you’re no longer a bottleneck and you don't even have to break out your dance moves on TikTok to get it done.

Growing with intention using content

No more spraying and praying. You’re testing, but you’re also tracking. You’re reviewing results and testing again. You have your time back, and you’re no longer overwhelmed. Dear I say, you’re actually a little overjoyed by the shift in your content strategy because you’re seeing the results.

Karen Easley, No Lashing Matter

“I recently opened a second location for my business in a new city and was struggling to figure out the best way to market to the new demographic. After one conversation with Carrolee, she gave me actionable advice on how to leverage community influencers and develop a customer loyalty program that has led to an increase in return customers and more brand awareness. She was a great listener and within minutes gave me advice that has transformed my business.”

“Social media engagement rates have plummeted the last 15 years. Ad engagement, too…The visibility of TV and print advertisements have died off with those mediums…But, by and large, every marketing channel that’s risen in the last quarter century has fallen in efficacy the last decade.

Except email.”

Source: https://bit.ly/4dJE8Tn

Soon, you won’t have a choice but to get “Anti-social” with your content, and the leaders who take advantage of an omni-channel approach now will win in the future.

Ways To Work With Us

Personal Brand Booster
B2B Founders)

Let’s face it, you’re tired of posting and praying on LinkedIn. We help you craft a deeply relatable brand message, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and use proven strategies to help you increase awareness and shine
a light on your expertise through
authority-led content.

(For Teams)

We partner with you to craft comprehensive content marketing strategies that go beyond simply posting on social media. We work to develop a structure for content planning that leaves your team more focused on what matters, and provide clear directives on how to manage an omni-channel content marketing approach. Our approach centers your experts, and leaves the “fluff” that can often be found in AI-generated content on the cutting room floor.


At the core of a great professional speaker is their ability to tell a good story. A story good enough to not only be aspirational, but motivational. One that moves audiences to action. As a poet, licensed preacher, and experienced content marketer, Carrolee is the consummate storyteller.

Listen to this

FREE Anti-Social Content Marketing 4-week Email Course

Ok, so you’re not ready to chat with a consultant? No biggie.
If you’re just getting started, and not sure where to begin, we’ve curated a pretty robust self-paced 4-week email course for you to learn actionable tips to get you started in the right direction when it comes to Anti-Social Content Marketing.

How it works: Each week you’ll get a new module delivered to your inbox. The modules will provide an overview of the different channels as well as specific “homework” assignments to help you put what you’ve learned into action.

Your business is too special for generic content.
We can help.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our team.