Anti-Social Content Brand Booster

What’s included

Our partnership begins with a thorough assessment of your current content landscape and team capabilities. We'll identify strengths, areas for improvement, and specific skills gaps that need addressing. Based on this evaluation, we'll develop a customized strategy that aligns with your business goals and leverages your existing talents.

  • You can either complete all sessions in one day, or split them into four sessions over the course of two months. Our time together will be hyper-focused on one (non-social media) marketing channel.


    • Content Audit

    • New Client Questionnaire

    • 30 minute pre-consulting strategy session

    Marketing Channels to Choose From: Email Marketing | Podcasting | LinkedIn

    Session #1: Review of current messaging, review ideal client persona, and audit chosen marketing channel. Create game plan.

    Session #2: Finalize brand messaging, solidify target audience, review templates and content marketing plan for chosen channel.

    Session #3: Review crafted content, LinkedIn profile (as needed), graphics, templates and develop strategy for future growth.

    Session #4: Review new messaging, strategy for future growth, unveil finalized LinkedIn profile (as needed), review new content strategy for chosen channel, finalize report sections.

  • At the end of our sessions, I will provide an in depth breakdown of all we covered. The report will include finalized brand messaging, any graphics created, list of resources, any templates, check lists, sample content, all recordings, and notes taken. There will be a clear breakdown of next steps and best practices for the future.

    The report includes:

    • Recordings of all sessions

    • Notes from each session

    • Finalized brand messaging

    • Audience Analysis Results

    • Competitor Analysis Results

    • Content Templates (if relevant)

    • Pitch templates (if relevant)

    • List of resources

    • 90 -day Content Strategy

    • Templates (if relevant)

    • Guides (if relevant)

    • Checklists (if relevant)

  • I don’t expect that you’ll know all the questions to ask during our session(s).

    So, we offer a follow up call 30 days after our last session together. This call will be a 60 minute session where you’re able to get any unanswered questions addressed, or ask for feedback on work you’ve done since the last session.

    This will be recorded, and the recording will be provided to you.

Session(s) Payment Options

6-Hr Session (all-in-one)

One time payment of $5000 due in full prior to our time together.
Payment plans available upon request.
NOTE: Report, recordings, etc. will be provided after final payment is received.

4, 90-minute Sessions
$2000 set up / 2, $1500 payments

Initial set up fee is due at signing, and 2 monthly payments of $1500 will follow. Payment plans available upon request.
NOTE: Report, recordings, etc. will be provided after final payment is received.

Still have questions?

No worries. We’re here to answer any questions you may have about this or any other offer listed on our website. Please complete the following form and let us know specifically what you’d like to discuss. Someone from our team will be in touch with you within 24 hrs.


Anti-Social Content Blueprint