2024 Content Marketing Trends

Business Group At A Workshop In The Office

2024 Marketing Trends

Really, I could have just said "trend" because I think we all know AI is ruling 2024. However, I think it's important for us to discuss the opportunities available to business owners, and the potential pitfalls if this technology isn't used responsibly.

  1. Content ideation and curation using AI

    • Mark my words, there is about to be a ridiculous amount of TERRIBLE written content on the internet due to AI. People will be lazy, and simply copy and paste the language provided by a bot onto their website, blog post, social media copy, etc. Even though this will seem like so much more competition, all it will do is make your human-led written content stand out more.

    • Use AI for research, framework, etc. Don't begin to rely on it to speak on behalf of your business. Your brand voice and tone (the specific way you write that injects a certain personality within your business) is central to standing out in what is sure to be a mess in 2024.

  2. Learn how to use prompts to your advantage

    • There is already so much you can do by asking the right question in the right way to get exactly what you need. This is great for ideas.

    • Ready for a new promotional offer? Instead of going to Google, you can have AI provide examples that are specific to your industry and business goals. Creative or catchy offer names, brainstorming language for your promotions, etc. can all be done using AI.

  3. Do the work before using AI, so you can maximize results

    • There really is no short cut for what only hard work will provide. That is true in marketing too. This means, you'll need to really know and understand your target audience (note: the best way to do that is not by asking a bot to tell you about them). The traditional methods of gathering information about your ideal clients will still lead to better results when you leverage AI

    • Use AI to generate a list of questions about the problem you're trying to solve e.g. "What are 5 things a good company mission should have?" "What questions should my marketing offer answer?" Then you can use the results from those prompts to further the work you'll need to do in order to produce rockstar content in 2024

Marketing Minute

So, we just talked about AI, and another trend in 2024 that is about to be even more crucial to your business success is email marketing.

Too many people are of the belief that emails don't work, because "we all hate them."

Just like we "hate" Facebook, but businesses are still spending millions of dollars to advertise on the platform. Why? Because both Facebook ads and email marketing work.

The reason why your "sometimes I send it, and sometimes I don't" newsletter isn't gaining traction is not because email marketing doesn't work. Like anything else in marketing, the content has to be "good." Lucky for you, "good" is subjective, so your stuff only needs to be "good" to your ideal client or customer.

Here are a few tips for elevating your email marketing game in the new year!

  1. Segmentation

    • Contact information is great, having everyone's first name is great, but in 2024 I want to challenge you to properly segment your list. You can get as granular as you'd like - whatever makes it easier to send highly targeted emails to folks on your list.

  2. Personalization (as much as possible)

    • Speaking of sending highly targeted messages, there is something to be said about seeing your name printed or mentioned in a (seemingly) mass email. It immediately makes the message more personal.

  3. Video

    • There is a reason we transitioned the CEO Corner in our newsletter to video. It's a great way to share the same information in a bite-sized, and engaging manner. I know, I know, if you're anything like me you hate being on camera. Well, you won't have much of a choice as video becomes more and more a part of your competitor's strategy. Your videos don't need to be hyper professional. Use what you have, and get started. Plenty of


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