Marketing is not Sales, but…

Recently I’ve noticed an effort to essentially define marketing as pseudo sales (or sales enablement), and I find that to be problematic. Here's why...

You can’t always measure the things that are tied to brand sentiment and you won’t always know just how much content or other marketing efforts directly impact your sales.

Listen, I do believe investments in marketing should show ROI. But, the key performance indicators (KPIs) for marketing should be different than sales. 

I think digital marketing has shortened the distance between traditional sales and marketing activities. They're now much closer in proximity, and when done in tandem, can yield amazing results.

But, to be clear, prospecting is a part of selling. Content creation and distribution (social media, podcast, webinars, white papers, blogs/vlogs, etc.) is a part of marketing. You need both to effectively grow and expand your service-based business. But they are distinctively different.

So, how have you been marketing your business? Have you taken the time to focus on getting more attention on your offer?

G.R.O.W. With Content

Speaking of the difference between marketing, and sales, we recently debuted the G.R.O.W. with Content method to combat the habit business leaders have of centering social media in their marketing efforts. As a special treat, we're sharing some insights with our e-newsletter fam.

The “G” is for Gain Attention. This simply means to show up. In this phase, you’re posting more regularly online. You may start your own e-newsletter. You may start a podcast. Send mailers. You may create a book club with your target audience in mind. You may create a networking meeting or event geared toward getting your ideal clients in one room regularly. You may create a webinar series to address a pain point for your prospects - while offering them your service as a solution. 

All of these things help with gaining attention. 

The “R” is for retention. This is where a lot of people fall short. We can get attention, but do we know how to keep it and what to do with it? This is where you’re working really hard to create a sense of community with your "followers" and offer value wherever possible. You’re going beyond awareness and deeper into connection. 

The “O” is for Optimize

And the “W” is for Wow

You didn’t think I was going to give the entire game away here, now did ya?! Ha. 


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