Is Your Website Optimized for Success?

Most micro and small business owners grossly underestimate what’s possible from leveraging a well-designed and well-written website.

I always use the analogy of a Realtor. Realtors are the nucleus for the home services industry. With just one brokered deal from a realtor, they feed the inspector, adjuster, title company, mortgage broker, etc.

Same is true for your website.

Whether you’re focused on email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, advertising, etc. your efforts will be exponentially more successful if you have a website that is optimized to help with your marketing efforts. Do any of those activities without a good website and you’re basically throwing money out the door.

If you're content with where you're at in business, then this message isn't for you. This is for business owners and leaders who want more. More leads. More brand awareness. More closed deals.

Don’t start throwing money at SEO, ads, etc. before you address the "nucleus." If the central piece of the puzzle is missing, everything else is essentially a slow motion car crash.

Have you checked out the analytics for your website recently? If not, do yourself a favor and take a peek back there asap.


Marketing is not Sales, but…


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